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Choice Award for Cyber Hair

Choice Award for Cyber Hair

Cyber Hair was recently recognised at the 2019 Employer of Choice Awards held Thursday, June 27.
Among 13 other Tasmanian businesses awarded the Employer of Choice Award on the evening, Cyber Hair’s workplace was recognised as a Tasmanian organisation that demonstrate contemporary workplace practices and outstanding support for their staff.
An Employer of Choice is a workplace with a reputation among staff as a great place to work.
The annual Awards recognise and promote Tasmanian organisations that, regardless of their size, successfully attract and retain skilled employees.
Cyber Hair is owned by Michele Clark and Roseanne Anderson.
Together they have owned the business for 33 years in Kingston Town Shopping Centre, and have over 90 years of combined industry and business experience between them.
The judges were highly impressed with Cyber Hair’s incredible retention of staff.
Thirteen of the fourteen employees completed their apprenticeship with this salon, some of them many years ago while others are current training apprentices.
“Staff love working here because they feel supported to maintain high levels of professional skills as well as enjoying their work.” Said Michele and Roseanne.
“The very high rate of return from maternity leave indicates clearly that staff are treated with care and respect.
“Systems for performance and feedback are clear and open.”
Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Education and Training commented on the businesses that took out the 2019 Employer of Choice Awards.
“The newest Employers of Choice recipients take the ranks of recognised workplaces to 117, collectively employing over 20 000 Tasmanians.
“This year’s inductees come from a broad range of sectors including forestry, education, social and health services, finance, construction, manufacturing, tourism and hospitality, demonstrating the high regard for accreditation across our industries.
“Employer of Choice accreditation is a highly sought after and recognised tick of approval among our business, community and service sectors, as judged by the business community itself.
“These companies demonstrate a commitment to supporting work life balance, employee engagement, communication, leadership and continuous improvement,” Mr Rockliff said.

Pictured, Cynthia and Michele from Cyber Hair accepted the award Thursday, June 27. (PS)


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