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Local News

Strong message in Climate Strike

Strong message in Climate Strike

A banner making event was hosted by the Tasmanian Young Greens on Friday, September 13 in preparation for the Climate Strike movement to be held on September 20.
The climate strike, originally started by Swedish high school student Greta Thunberg, has grown into a global movement and is widening its reach to people of all ages. 
Tasmanian Young Greens Convenor, Bridget Verrier, said that young activists are taking pride in crafting powerful visuals for the protest.
"The creativity on display at the School Strike for Climate back in March was incredible and this time we plan to take it up a notch," Ms Verrier said.
Ms Verrier is encouraging all the young activists out there to get behind the strike and come along on Friday, September 20 to participate, with details available on the Tasmanian Young Greens Facebook page.
Cr Gideon Cordover attended the banner making event and plans to attend the strike as a private citizen, not as a representative of council.
“Personally, I think that this climate strike will send a strong signal that people of all ages, of all backgrounds, from all around our municipality and indeed all around the nation, are raising their voices in solidarity to demand climate action now,” said Cr Cordover.
“For me, I think this requires a rapid transition to 100 per cent renewables, radical improvements to our public transport and natural disaster preparation and also action to stop the biodiversity and extinction crisis that we are facing.”
Cr Cordover believes that politicians of all parties should be implementing initiatives that will make our communities more resilient and more adaptable in the face of climate change and to reduce our carbon footprint.
When Cr Cordover put forward a question without notice at the most recent meeting Kingborough Council reiterated their support of the broader issue of climate change but did not have a pre-determined position on the Climate Strike movement.

Pictured above: Cr Gideon Cordover attended a banner making event hosted by the Tasmanian Young Greens on Friday, Septmeber 13 in preparation for the global Climate Strike movement on September 20. (PS)


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