Wednesday, 17 July 2024
PO Box 306, Kingston TAS 7050 - P: (03) 6229 3655

Local News

Pony clubs speak up

Pony clubs speak up

The Huntingfield Pony and Riding Club recently hosted a positive mental health session, having James from SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTy coming to speak to club members and inviting members of the Huon and District Pony Club to attend.

The session explored techniques to implement when things don’t always go to plan, so that focus can be maintained in a range of stressful situations.

This sport can be individual or in teams and can get very stressful at times, especially when a rider may have one idea and their horse has another.

As well as speaking about general mental health booster for individuals, the session also covered the importance of checking in with others and how something as simple as a conversation can make someone’s day, or possibly save a life.

Groups in teh Kingborough area can contact SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTy on1300 364 277 or by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a mental health session for their club or organisation.

Pictured (L-R) back row: Nick Behrens, Gaylene Brouwer, Nicole Elliot, Olivia Brouwer, Pete Browne, Marcia Rollins, James from SPEAKUP! Stay ChatTy, Sam Ryan, Ben Charles. Front row: Riana Bell, Sophie Brouwer, Nikki Ryan, Hannah Ryan, Macy Charles, Kenny Walch, Hayley Jacobson, Wendy Cotton. (PS)


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