Wednesday, 17 July 2024
PO Box 306, Kingston TAS 7050 - P: (03) 6229 3655

Local News

Delivering kindness

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Kingborough residents are stepping up to show their community spirit through the ongoing global pandemic.

Emergency food relief is being made available to those isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic (see page 3 for more details) and businesses across the municipality are introducing new delivery and pick-up options to also do what they can to help those practicing social distancing.

Families and individuals from the community have also been showing their generosity by offering assistance to vulnerable members of the public who may struggling with restrictions.

Clare Corrigan and her five-year-old daughter Priya, were delivering #viralkindness postcards to their neighbours on Sunday, March 15 which offered assistance with picking up shopping, posting mail, a friendly phone call or urgent supplies to those practicing self-isolation.

“I found the leaflet on social media and assume others are also showing support in their area,” said Ms Corrigan.

“I have had a few phone calls and messages thanking us and telling us how it bought smiles to people's faces and a sense of community strength.”

Ms Corrigan is also among the many parent finding age-appropriate ways to discuss the pandemic with young children and found that delivering the flyers helped provide a positive outlet.

“Our school sent out an email giving us examples of how to talk about the situation to different age groups which I found really helpful,” Ms Corrigan continued.

“Priya enjoyed delivering the leaflets and it prompted a discussion about helping others in times of need and ways we can help whilst maintaining a physical distance.

“We are trying to focus on the positives, like spending more time at home as a family and getting an opportunity to get those jobs in the garden done which we never seem to be home enough to do.”

Despite a flood of cancellations to their accommodation business, the Corrigan family have also found a way to create a community-positive response by offering the vacancies free of charge to people forced to self-isolate.

Despite increased restrictions on movement, travel and social interactions across the country causing reports of chaos and panic, Ms Corrigan hopes that more people can be inspired to spread kindness and generosity through the community.

Kingborough residents helping others in the community are reminded to practice responsible social distancing, good hygiene, particularly hand washing and/or sanitising.

To keep up to date with information and recommendations from the government, visit the website which has resources, news and information on the current situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pictured above: Priya Corrigan helped her mother Clare deliver 50 #viralkindness postcards to letterboxes in their area, offering assistance to those social distancing or self-isolating during the coronavirus pandemic. (PS)


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