Wednesday, 17 July 2024
PO Box 306, Kingston TAS 7050 - P: (03) 6229 3655

Local News

Kingborough stands together for Anzac Day

Kingborough stands together for Anzac Day

On an Anzac Day unlike any experienced before, members of the Kingborough community united in remembrance to light the dawn and honour the Anzac soldiers who served and sacrificed for their country.

Candles, lamps, torches and phones illuminated families and individuals standing at the end of their driveways to honour veterans and fallen soldiers, observing one minute of silence as part of the Light the Dawn movement, allowing a unique, nationwide moment of remembrance.

At 11.30am, 4.30am in Gallipoli, the community paused again in personal reflection to mark the landing time of soldiers at dawn on April 25, 1915.

There was also a broadcast by RSL Tasmania at 11:30am of a small Commemorative Service in honour of the occasion.

Even though traditional services and gatherings were banned, many wreathes were laid at the Kingston Beach cenotaph over the course of the morning as members of the public paid tribute while undertaking their daily exercise.

More than 10,500 war veterans and ex-service personnel live in Tasmania, making it vital to carry on the awareness and appreciation of the extraordinary service and sacrifice of Defence Force personnel.

While many local veterans were disappointed not to be able to celebrate Anzac Day in the traditional manner, there was acceptance and understanding that the vulnerable members of the community would be best protected through these unique ways of honouring past servicemen and women.

See page 9 of the April 28 edition of the ‘Kingborough Chronicle’ for more photos and further photos in the May 5 edition.

Pictured above: President of the Kingston Beach RSL Sub-Branch and veteran Mel Cooper, took part in the Light the Dawn movement to honour Anzac Day. “Today I will not only remember those who have paid the supreme sacrifice but also those who are suffering because of isolation,” Mr Cooper said. “Those who are suffering from PTSD and cannot connect as they normally would, but they are not forgotten and never will be. Today we also remember and thank those who are giving their all to protect us at this time.”


Kingborough Chronicle

Head Office
3351 Huon Highway,
Franklin. TAS. 7113

PO Box 306,
Kingston. TAS. 7051

P: (03) 6229 3655

Publication Day: Tuesday
Circulation: 5,500

Huon News

3351 Huon Highway
Franklin, TAS 7113

P: (03) 6266 3104