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Channel Highway Corridor Study Report released

Channel Highway Corridor Study Report released

The Channel Highway (Algona Road to Sandfly Road) Corridor Study Report has been released today, Tuesday September 8, by the Tasmanian Government.

The Corridor Study was undertaken in response to the government’s commitment to review the junction at Howden Road, investigate safety concerns, and consider how the Channel Highway meets the current and future community needs over the next 20 years.

Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Dean Winter said the release of the report meant discussions could begin on future infrastructure planning and project funding, especially in relation to future development at Huntingfield.

“We are really pleased to see the corridor study completed and publicly available,” Mayor Winter said.

“The document is a long-term plan that outlines the infrastructure upgrades that are required to support future growth in the Channel region.

“Now that we have the report, we can commence discussions with the Tasmanian Government about the priority projects and funding options.

“The Algona Road/Channel Highway Roundabout is going to be critically important, especially if the Huntingfield development goes ahead. 

“The feedback I get from our team and our community is that this upgrade is critical to the successful development of any subdivision at Huntingfield.”

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Honourable Michael Ferguson MP said a range of suggested improvements to make the highway safer, with improved traffic flow, were developed in the report.

“The Corridor Study Report sets out a plan for this key corridor,” Minister Ferguson said.

“It identifies current challenges and includes a shortlist of prioritised opportunities for future improvement projects.”

Member for Franklin, the Honourable Jacquie Petrusma MP said the report was an important step forward in providing safety and traffic flow improvements in the area.

“Projects identified as high priorities for future funding proposals include upgrades and a second roundabout at the existing Algona Road roundabout, improvements to sight distance at the Howden Road intersection and improvements to pedestrian, cycling and public transport facilities,” Ms Petrusma said.

Member for Franklin, the Honourable Nic Street MP said funding for the prioritised opportunities for improvement projects would be the subject of future budget submissions.

“The report was developed following extensive consultation with the community, including residents, road users, key stakeholders, community groups and Kingborough Council, and took into account future development proposals and projected traffic volumes,” Mr Street said.

A future grade separated interchange at the existing Algona Road roundabout and a new roundabout to align with the future Huntingfield Stage 2 development have also been included on the shortlist.

The report is available for viewing at

For more information on the channel highway planning study, see

An illustration of a proposed second roundabout for the Channel Highway in Kingston is part of the photo gallery above.

Pictured:  Senator for Tasmania, the Honourable Eric Abetz, Member for Franklin, the Honourable Nic Street MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Honourable Michael Ferguson MP (with the report), Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Dean Winter and Member for Franklin, the Honourable Jacquie Petrusma MP at the Algona Road Roundabout in Kingston. (PS)


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