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Local News

Fibre crafts bring joy

Fibre crafts bring joy

Kingborough’s University of the Third Age (U3A) Stitch, Knit and Chat group delivered more than three boxes of their handmade items to Ronald McDonald House in Hobart on September 14.

Group leader Jaylene Seabrook said the group meets every week for a chat and craft catch-up, and all members of the group enjoy being creative.

“It is extra special when we donate our pieces to a deserving group,” said Jaylene.

“When we put it all together we were gobsmacked.

“Members have different craft expertise.

“Some knit, some crochet, some quilt, some embroider and some just chat,” commented Jaylene.

“For the past two years we have donated our handmade articles to a community organisation.

“We have knitted beanies and scarves for the Oncology Unit at the Royal Hobart Hospital.

“The ladies were very keen to make knitted and polar fleece pouches for orphaned wildlife.

“This year we have made an assortment of clothing and rugs for Ronald McDonald House.

“The ladies in the group have been very busy over the past few months and the assortment of items is quite large and varied.

“There are hand-knitted beanies, mittens, bootees, jackets and scarves, ranging from premature baby to six months old.

“There are hand knitted rugs, crocheted rugs and patchwork quilts.”

Ronald McDonald House, Volunteers Coordinator, Megan Nixon, said Hobart has around 73 individual volunteers and would welcome more volunteers, particularly on weekends.

“It’s always greatly appreciated,” said Ms Nixon.

“They come in every morning and evening and some sleep overnight.

“Other volunteers come in to bake or to deliver knitted items.

 “We have a lot of premature babies,” Ms Nixon said.

Knit, Stitch and Chat handicrafts were recently on display at the Kingston Library for the month of August.

Pictured: Jayelene Seabrook, Sophie Bowden and Lesley Every of the Kingborough U3A Knit, Stitch and Chat group delivered three boxes of handmade beanies, baby clothes, blankets and quits made by group members to Ronald McDonald House Volunteer Coordinator Megan Nixon on Monday, September 14. (PS)


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