Wednesday, 17 July 2024
PO Box 306, Kingston TAS 7050 - P: (03) 6229 3655

Local News

Huntingfield development applications submitted

Huntingfield development applications submitted

Tasmanian Government submitted development applications for Stage 1 of the proposed Huntingfield subdivision and a connecting roundabout to Kingborough Council.
Stage 1 consists of the first 218 of 470 proposed residential lots in Huntingfield.
The Department of Communities Tasmania wrote to members of the public who had previously expressed an interest in the controversial development on January 14, with advice that the State Government had submitted two development applications.
“Communities Tas is implementing the development in stages to deliver critical infrastructure and more than 200 residential lots as the first step,” wrote an unidentified person from the Housing Projects unit of the Department of Communities.
“We have submitted two development applications to the Kingborough Council including: a new access roundabout to provide a safer intersection on the Channel Highway and Stage 1 of the subdivision which will deliver the first 218 residential lots.
“Subject to council’s assessment process, we anticipate both applications will be advertised in coming weeks for public consultation.”
The Department has directed the emailed public to their Housing Tasmania web page and Kingborough Council’s homepage for information.
Links provided were to website home pages, not the Huntingfield development pages.
The Department’s information on the project can be accessed from
Advertised planning applications submitted to Kingborough Council can be viewed at


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