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Local News

Back to Woodbridge Weekend in August

Back to Woodbridge Weekend in August

The Woodbridge Life 2022 celebratory program continues in August with a weekend of activities on August 13 and 14, inviting people to explore Woodbridge’s past and present.

Committee Chair Graham Rae is inviting people to browse the town, where several well-known village landmarks have a Woodbridge story or two to tell.
The landmarks will be open from 10am to 4pm.
At the Hall, a Stories of Woodbridge exhibit will present a variety of facts, anecdotes and memorabilia covering 40,175 years.
A feature will be a presentation recounting the story of 40,000 years of continuing Tasmanian Aboriginal habitation staged by the South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation (SETAC).
This will provide an historic contrast with stories from the 175 years of European colonisation.
A few doors along from the Hall, opposite the Post Office, view the colourful history of one of Woodbridge’s more imposing heritage buildings - the old Channel Emporium (c 1890).
The Uniting Church Hall (opposite the school) will host a display focusing on the role the School and Marine Discovery Centre have played down through the years.
Organiser Pam Nossiter noted that something to look for at this site is a model of the R V Penghana which has played such a critical part in the Centre’s learning program.
Another prominent local site, the West Winds Community Centre, will be open on the Saturday only.
The West Winds Art Group exhibition has been extended, giving visitors an opportunity to see this marvellous body of local work.
The Anglican Church of St Simon and St Jude will be open on Saturday as part of the History Walk and to showcase its copy of the original King James Bible presented to the church at the time of its consecration.
This theme continues into the next day, Sunday, August 14.
At 9.30am a special service based on the liturgy in use when the Church was founded in 1885, will be led by the Reverend Lesley Borowitzka.
While welcoming everyone to attend, Church Warden Mark Harrison also encourages attendees to enter into the spirit of the occasion by wearing period costume. 
After the service, the Church will remain open for a series of local history discussions in which a number of residents will speak on topics special to Woodbridge.
History Walk
For those who want to see more, a short history walk will be on offer to take in the late Victorian gothic ambience of the village.
It is an opportunity to learn more about the built heritage dating back to the late 19th century and lesser-known landmarks such as the 163-year-old Cemetery.
For times and locations, see the full program of activities on Page 3 of the August 2, 2022 Kingborough Chronicle.

Photo: Mark Harrison and Jo Dixon peruse the King James Bible. (PS)


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