Tuesday, 16 July 2024
PO Box 306, Kingston TAS 7050 - P: (03) 6229 3655

Local News

New Snug Village facilities opened

New Snug Village facilities opened

A new 14 bed wing together with a day centre was officially opened at Snug Village by the Hon Julie Collins MP and Mark Hochman Chair of Christian Homes Tasmania (CHT).
"The $5.4m development adds to the substantial footprint CHT has at its Snug site which includes the existing residential care facility and independent living units," CHT Chair Mark Hochman said at the opening.
"A funding contribution of $3.4m by the federal government made the development possible with the balance coming from CHT funds.
"The project was undertaken by local builder Maveric Builders.
"Established 50 years ago, CHT has sought to faithfully care and provide for the aged sector of our community based on Christian values.
"Snug as a potential site was first pursued in 1995 with an initial opening twenty years ago with five residents.
"Since that time, we have been blessed by the support CHT has received from government and the community which has seen the Snug complex grow to a 76 bed facility today providing quality services and care for our aged community members.
"CHT was honoured to have our local federal member Hon Julie Collins officiate at the opening."
Among those present at the opening were Kingborough Deputy Mayor Clare Glade-Wright and Members for Franklin Dean Young, Dean Winter and Rosalie Woodruff.
CHT operates another residential aged care facility, Hawthorn Village, in Blackmans Bay and numerous independent living unit sites across the Kingborough municipality and Roches Beach on the Eastern Shore.


Kingborough Chronicle

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