Wednesday, 18 September 2024
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Local News

Voice campaigners in Margate

Voice campaigners in Margate

Yes23, the campaign for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Australian Constitution, hit the streets of Margate for a day of door-to-door conversations.
The team of Yes23 volunteers were joined by Federal Labor Member for Franklin Julie Collins and Labor Senator Catryna Bilyk.
On October 14 Australians will have the opportunity to vote on whether Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be recognised in the Constitution through a Voice to Parliament.
Senator Bilyk said the doorknocking campaign was about providing a greater understanding of the referendum, what is proposed and why it is being held.
"The team of Yes23 volunteers were able to speak to hundreds of Margate residents and I enjoyed getting out and about in the town I was raised in as a child," Senator Bilyk said.
"Through these conversations we found that people still have a lot of questions about the referendum.
"Sadly, there is a lot of misinformation around about the referendum proposal, and the benefit of these conversations was to clarify what is actually proposed and answer questions.
"We were able to explain that the idea for the Voice did not come from politicians, but from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and elders as the result of many years of work and countless conversations throughout their communities.
"We were also able to explain that the Voice was about recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, listening to them and getting better results on closing the gap in disadvantages faced by Indigenous people."
Federal Member for Franklin Julie Collins said the referendum is about recognition, listening and better results for all Australians.
"This is our opportunity to recognise 65,000 years of history, tradition, and culture," said Ms Collins.
"It was a privilege to volunteer alongside a team of Yes23 volunteers in our electorate and help to answer questions on what voting yes is all about.
"The result of this referendum will not affect many of us but for those that it will impact a yes result will improve lives and opportunities."


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