Tuesday, 16 July 2024
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Local News

Local giving back to Legacy

Local giving back to Legacy

Blackmans Bay local Robert Atkin is excited and proud to have been selected as a Legacy Centenary torch bearer.
The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay, presented by Defence Health started on April 23 in Poziäres France.
After travelling through London, which is the only Legacy Club outside of Australia, the torch travelled to Australia where it will visit all 44 Legacy Clubs.
Legacy Australia supports over 40,000 partners and children of veterans who gave their lives or health while serving our country.
The Hobart leg of the relay will begin on October 5 at 10.00 am and travel 12.4 kilometres.
The relay will begin at Anglesea Barracks and end at Anzac Park Lindisfarne at approximately 2.30 pm.
Torch bearers had to apply, listing any connections they had to Legacy and any military service they have completed.
"I was very fortunate to have been chosen," said Robert.
"I completed 20 months' national service in 1972, missing out on overseas deployment due to a change in government.
"I was posted back to Dowsing's Point after completing basic training at Puckapunyal and core training in Bandiana."
Robert's father, Marshall was a WWII veteran who served in Egypt and the Pacific.
On his passing in 1968 Legacy Hobart supported the family through a very difficult time.
They provided legal support and a connection to Legacy without which Robert said they would have found life very difficult.
"Legacy Hobart, through Professor Sam Carey, assisted me again with gaining a small pension for ongoing medical issues after an operation whilst serving in the Army," Robert said.
"I am also raising money for Legacy to give back for their support when we needed it so much.
"I have raised over $1100 so far.
"My target was $500."


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