Wednesday, 17 July 2024
PO Box 306, Kingston TAS 7050 - P: (03) 6229 3655

Local News

We shall not forget

We shall not forget

Kingston Beach RSL Sub-Branch and Taroona Ex Services Club were two of many Remembrance Day services held around the nation on Sunday, November 11, marking 100 years since the end of the First World War.
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month attained a special significance in the post-war years.
The moment when hostilities ceased on the Western Front became universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war.
This first modern world conflict had brought about the mobilisation of over 70 million people and left between nine and 13 million dead, with as many as one-third of them with no known grave.
The allied nations chose this day and time for the commemoration of their war dead.
Schools in Kingborough remembered those who served and fought for our country, during services throughout last week, including Calvin Christian School who held their service on Tuesday, November 6, with guest speaker, Vietnam Veteran and former school principal, Don Butler.
Kingston High School held their service on Friday, November 9, with students and staff gathering to commemorate the one hundred years since the signing of the Armistice in 1918.
They also recognised the contribution and sacrifice of Australians, including Aboriginals who have served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping forces.
A number of poems and a moving speech from a serving officer were read by the principal, Dr Elizabeth Robinson, and some students.
Flowers were laid at the base of the flagpole and The Last Post and The Rouse were played during this ceremony of remembrance and respect.

Pictured: Calvin Christian School Year 9 students pay tribute to the men and women who have served our country, during a special Remembrance Day Ceremony held on Tuesday, November 6. More photos of Sunday’s Remembrance Day services in next week’s Kingborough Chronicle. (PS)


Kingborough Chronicle

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