Wednesday, 17 July 2024
PO Box 306, Kingston TAS 7050 - P: (03) 6229 3655

Local News

Developer announced

Developer announced

The Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Dean Winter, has today announced Traders In Purple Pty Ltd as the successful partner to deliver the Kingston Park project. The partnership will result in a boost to the Kingborough economy of up to $300m over the next eight years, provide up to 360 residential tenancies and stimulate up to 1000 new jobs.The development includes a mix of low, medium, and highdensity...
Tarremah students take action on climate change

Tarremah students take action on climate change

Senior students at Tarremah Steiner School raised money and awareness about climate change at the School's fair on Sunday, November 11. The students call themselves The Susteinerbles and made beeswax wraps to sell at the fair.They sold out within the first few hours.The Susteinerbles meet once a week to discuss issues and consider their approach towards making Tarremah more environmentally...
Channel volunteers lend a hand to help save endangered parrot

Channel volunteers lend a hand to help save endangered parrot

Kingborough volunteers and businesses have combined their skills to create new nesting boxes for the endangered orange-bellied parrot. Volunteers from the Channel Men’s Shed helped to fabricate 44 nesting boxes for use over the next two breeding seasons.The boxes will be located at the orange-bellied parrot captive breeding facilities at Five Mile Beach and Taroona managed by the Department of...
We shall not forget

We shall not forget

Kingston Beach RSL Sub-Branch and Taroona Ex Services Club were two of many Remembrance Day services held around the nation on Sunday, November 11, marking 100 years since the end of the First World War.The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month attained a special significance in the post-war years.The moment when hostilities ceased on the Western Front became universally associated with...
Kingborough’s new councillors

Kingborough’s new councillors

Kingborough’s new councillors were officially sworn in on Wednesday, November 7, with the new look council comprising of five men and five women. From left Cr Richard Atkinson, Cr Amanda Midgley, Cr Paula Wriedt, Deputy Mayor, Cr Jo Westwood, Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Dean Winter, Cr David Grace, Cr Flora Fox, Cr Sue Bastone and Cr Christian Street. Absent Cr Steve Wass. (PS Barefoot Photographer)
Winter and Westwood win Kingborough

Winter and Westwood win Kingborough

Time for a change was the slogan for Cr Dean Winter’s election campaign and the people have spoken, electing him as Mayor of Kingborough, receiving 45.78 per cent of the primary votes tally on Tuesday, October 30. At 33, Cr Winter will be the youngest mayor in Kingborough Council’s 110 years.Cr Winter campaigned alongside Jo Westwood, who was successfully elected as Deputy Mayor.Mayor elect, Cr...

Kingborough Chronicle

Head Office
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Franklin. TAS. 7113

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Publication Day: Tuesday
Circulation: 5,500

Huon News

3351 Huon Highway
Franklin, TAS 7113

P: (03) 6266 3104